Friday, January 15, 2010

iCreations Review

Company name: iCreations


iCrations provides web solutions for photographers and creatives. The company offers photo website software named iFolioz. Two others products are iProofz, an online proofing solution for photographers, and editable flash slideshows iShowz.

iFolioz includes two flash website template categories: Standard and Premium. Standard templates include 5 themes to choose from, two splash pages, 5-6 content pages, 20 galleries, testimonials section, music upload, integrated WordPress blog, editable colors and contact page with up to 20 fields. As you see, the functionality is limited and designs look plain and a bit outdated. With this being said, I bet you will be shocked to hear the price - $475 setup fee and $12/mo for hosting. This cosmic price is shamelessly plugged on the category’s main page, looks like iCreations managers are very proud of their pricing policy. You can split the set-up fee into two months though (remember you can try to deceive yourself, but not your purse).

Now let’s have a closer look at the Premium iFolioz websites. The feature list expands here a bit, involving one more entry splash page, virtually unlimited content pages, drop down navigation for your pages, unlimited galleries with unlimited images, calendar section and unlimited video ability. This division has 6 templates to choose from. Designers obviously have put more work into these designs, still the chosen typography, navigation bar design and frames prevent themes from looking really cool. Premium template will cost you $750 set-up fee + $18/mo hosting plan.

iCreations is a self-hosted solution, so you can’t install your website on your own server. However, you can use an existing domain name or register it with iCreations. The company states their every single website is built with SEO in mind. They list a few of their clients’ websites and SEO results they achieved with iCreations. Surely, those results are good, but it would be better if they enabled a showcase gallery which would include websites built with iCreations. This way we could randomly choose a couple and test them for SEO-friendliness.

We didn’t examine the other iCreations products, mostly focusing on their flash photo website solutions. From what we’ve saw, iCreations evoked rather mixed feelings in us. From the one hand, iFolioz flash templates have a solid feature set and decent designs. On the other hand, their designs miss some style and visual appeal and prices are very high. If put into a bit lower price section this web solution would be much more attractive.

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